28 September 2016


Spike Jonze has directed the latest perfume advert for Kenzo World. The ad evokes a feeling that all of us have felt at one time or another, a feeling of mind-numbing boredom from listening to a certain individual in a formal situation. The campaign for the fragrance is clearly inspired by his work from a number of years ago for Fatboy Slim's 'Weapon of Choice'. The 4-minute ad has caused a riot in the industry, from the colour of the dress to the style of her shoe, everyone wants to talk about this. It has also successfully combined the media, fashion and the music industry together by including a piece of each in the video, and now music producers are talking about a fashion brand named Kenzo - something they thought they would never do. This is a perfect example of fashion promotion, with no doubt thousands of hours of work going into producing it, but it was totally worth it.


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